
Vulvodynia & My Diet

"There are no specific dietary recommendations in relation to vulvodynia. However, each individual case is different & some women may have sensitivity to specific chemicals & foods that may potentially contribute or exacerbate their symptoms"…
Categories : Uncategorised, Vulvodynia
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Vulvodynia: The Unseen Struggle

“If you have pain in your vulva, you’re not alone. Around 16% of women will have vulvar pain lasting longer than 3 months. They aren’t neurotic or promiscuous. - It’s likely they're suffering from a…
Categories : Vulvodynia
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Risk Factors For Relapse & Remission of Vulvodynia

“Remission of vulvodynia symptoms is common with approximately 50% of remitters experiencing a relapse within 6-30 months. Persistence without remission is the exception rather than the rule. Pain history & simultaneous diseases or medical conditions…
Categories : Vulvodynia
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