
Vulvar Pain and Sexual Trauma

Studies show that: "Women who reported severe physical abuse in childhood, were four times more likely to report vulvodynia symptoms than women with no physical or sexual abuse history (after adjustment for demographic characteristics &…
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Vulvodynia and its Impact on Quality of Life

"Vulvodynia has a profound effect on a woman's quality of life. Research suggests that it leads to physical dysfunction & limiting activities related to work, hobbies & sexual relations. Socially, vulvodynia interferes with a woman’s…
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Managing Pelvic Pain

Because there are many potential causes of chronic pelvic pain, booking an appointment with Pain Specialist, or (if you are a woman), a Vulva Doctor, is the smart way to go. The good news is…
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Causes of Female Pelvic Pain

As the NHS notes: "Pelvic pain is felt in the lower part of our tummy. The type of pain varies - it could be sudden & severe (acute pelvic pain), or last 6 months or…
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Vulvodynia and Your Mental Health

"DSM-IV-diagnosed mood & anxiety may influence the development of unexplained vulvar pain - a chronic disorder that affects millions of women. Moreover, research suggests that the development of vulvodynia may lead to a new or…
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Finding UK Support Groups For Vulvodynia

There are a number of very helpful UK Support Groups for anyone suffering from vulvodynia or vulva pain. Many of these groups provide very valuable information; and some of them conduct regular meetings. - The…
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Advantages of Seeking a Private Clinic That Treats Vulva Pain

"When Sexual intercourse, sitting, walking & exercising, can make your pain worse & long-term vulva pain can cause degeneration, doesn't it make sense to get it sorted & turn your life around, as soon as…
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Can Yoga Help With Pelvic Pain?

"Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a common, woman's condition (which is prevalent when women are in their reproductive years, namely, 18–45 years old). Long-term pelvic pain has a negative impact on the sufferer's personal health…
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Who is at Risk From Vulvodynia?

"The incidence rates of vulvodynia differ by age, ethnicity & marital status. Onset is more likely among women with previous symptoms of vulvodynia; those with intermediate symptoms not meeting criteria for vulvodynia, & among those…
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What Are the Risk Factors For Vuylvodynia?

As a Vulva Pain Specialist will tell you: some of the major risk factors for vulvodynia, include: •Anxiety•Depression•Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and•A History of Abuse [1]. So now let's examine each individual aspect: Anxiety "Experiencing occasional…
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