Can Yoga Help With Pelvic Pain?
“Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a common, woman’s condition (which is prevalent when women are in their reproductive years, namely, 18–45 years old). Long-term pelvic pain has a negative impact on the sufferer’s personal health & quality of life. Practising yoga has shown numerous benefits in various chronic painful conditions” [1], & when combined with a Holistic Personalised Treatment Plan, which is devised after a consultation with a Pain Specialist, the results can be extremely promising
Putting the Spotlight on Chronic Pelvic Pain
Chronic pelvic pain describes: a woman’s continual or intermittent pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen, which has been present for at least 6 months (with the exclusion of menstrual pain, pregnancy, or sexual intercourse). And while the precise cause of long-term pelvic pain is not yet fully understood; it is thought to come about from the involvement and intricate interactions between various systems. These comprise: the gynaecological, urinary, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neurologic, and endocrine systems. Furthermore, in addition to the aforementioned, chronic pelvic pain can be impacted by both sociocultural and psychological factors [1].
So What Common Conditions Cause Chronic Pelvic Pain?
There are a number of conditions which could potentially be at the root of this condition, and this is one reason why it is so important to have an accurate diagnosis from a Pain Doctor. Unlike GPs (General Practitioners), Pain Consultants receive substantial specialist training, and normally have years of experience in the field of pain and pain medicine, over and above their GP training.
Common conditions brought on by pelvic pain, comprise:
• Endometriosis
• Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
• Adenomyosis (a condition of the female reproductive system which causes the uterus to enlarge and thicken)
• Adhesions
• Fibroids
• Colitis (inflammation of the large intestine)
• Celiac disease (a condition where an individual’s immune system attacks its own tissues when they consume gluten)
• Inflammatory bowel disease
• Fibromyalgia
• Degenerative disk disease
• Chronic urinary tract infection [1].
Being in the Know
When you have an online or in-person appoint with a Pain Specialist, they will review your medical history, and ask you various pertinent questions, including your pain symptoms. They will then rule out the aforementioned conditions. This may involve booking an appointment to conduct certain tests and scans. Once these aspects are concluded, you will be given your Personalised Treatment Plan, which may include one or more modalities to get you back on track as soon as possible.
[1]. Saxena R, Gupta M, Shankar N, Jain S, Saxena A. Effects of yogic intervention on pain scores and quality of life in females with chronic pelvic pain. Int J Yoga. 2017 Jan-Apr;10(1):9-15.